A Celestial Night Under the Stars

Photography by Dami Ayo-Vaughan

Celebrating four years of The Other Art Girl โœจ

June marked the four-year anniversary of The Other Art Girl, which was celebrated with a Celestial Night themed dinner party at the Petersham in Covent Garden. The event brought together artists and long-time supporters of the blog for an evening of celebration.

It feels like just yesterday I was starting The Other Art Girl, during the quiet months of lockdown. I spent a lot of time exploring different ideas and motifs, and knew I wanted to create a platform to celebrate art, all while keeping it fun and accessible. So, I threw myself into writing: drafting think pieces, reaching out to artists for interviews, reviewing shows, and building personality quizzes. This blog has truly become my passion project, and I've absolutely loved every minute of it.

Art, for me, is very personal. It has the power to inspire, to challenge, and to bring change. But the art closest to my heart is that of emerging women artists, specifically women of colour artists, who are often underrepresented within galleries and museums. Their work is rich, layered, and often encompasses a myriad of styles. They acknowledge the artists who came before them, while weaving their own voice into their work through colour, form, and subtle details. Across a multitude of mediums, these artists showcase incredible range and creativity.

Over the past four years, I've had the privilege of interviewing numerous artists, and these conversations have provided a space to delve into their artistic practices and share their stories. Together weโ€™ve glimpsed into the creative processes of photographers Najla Said and Aisha Seriki, contemplated the meaning of home with Jeffly Gabriela Molina, explored elements of Surrealism with Bunmi Agusto and Precious Opara, explored abstraction with Savannah Marie Harris, examined figuration with Cece Philips and Emma Prempeh, celebrated queer love with Miranda Forrester and Sola Olulode, reimagined Rococo paintings with Xu Yang, and deconstructed cultural identity with Hannah Lim, to name a few lol. All of these collaborations have resulted in engaging and insightful conversations. It is so important for women artists to have the space and time to make art and for that art to be recognised.

This anniversary serves as a tribute to the many talented artists that have been featured over the years. These women consistently produce visually compelling work that not only contributes to the contemporary art canon but also delves into powerful themes ranging from womanhood to mythology, and beyond. I hope to continue to cultivate an inclusive platform that encourages engagement with the arts for all. Thank you to the artists and supporters who have been instrumental over the past four years, youโ€™re all superstars, this oneโ€™s for you!

All the best,

Addy :)

Some more photos from the event here <3


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